Saturday, March 27, 2010

Brown Sugar

Have you ever went to use your brown sugar and it is really, really hard? This is something that has happened to Angie and I...most recently when we had our granola baking experience! Do you have any tips to keep yours soft and ready to go when you need it? Please, please share with us and our readers.
I did see a few hints online and wonder if they work. One was to put the brown sugar in a container in the microwave with a bowl of water beside it. Microwave a minute and keep checking every 30 seconds after while being careful not to melt the sugar.
Another was to put a slice of bread in with the brown sugar in an airtight container to keep it soft. (I know this works with homemade cookies)

Friday, March 26, 2010


Here is a great recipe for homemade applesauce.

Wash, peel and core 4lbs of apples
Chop into 1-inch pieces
Simmer apples, covered, in a large saucepan with 1/3 cup of water until apples are tender, about 15 min.
In small batches,place apples in blender with 1/4 cup of sugar and blend until smooth.
Place in plastic container and refrigerate.

*You can also place applesauce into ice cube trays and freeze for future use

Upcoming Easter Events

March 27, Heritage Oak Park in Mason
Free Easter Egg Hunt, starts at noon
Kids are grouped by age
Bring your own basket

April 3, Keehner Park (tennis court area)
Easter Egg Hunt
8 years and younger

April 3, The Beach Waterpark
Free 11 am to 2 pm
5 and under for egg hunt at noon
Easter Bunny pics available

Coupon Inserts 3/28/10

This maybe a good week to pick up more than one Sunday paper. We can expect up to 2 Smartsource inserts, a RedPlum and a P & G insert!!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Easter Basket Fillers

Are you still looking for some things to fill those Easter Baskets? If so head over to Michael's Craft Store.

Here is what I spotted in the dollar aisle:

Easter puzzles
Sticker Books
Wooden Cars
Wooden Airplanes
Jump Ropes
Foam Art Projects
Photo Frames to decorate
Easter pens/pencils
Story Books
Coloring Books
Easter Checker Games

There are so many cute things. There was also a 40% of one item in the paper last week!

Happy Shopping!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


We have been reading the book "What's So Amazing About Grace?" by Philip Yancey
This has been an ongoing book study for us on Wednesday night thru the month of March. Last week, I went over what grace is about. This week, I just want to touch briefly on what grace IS NOT!
Grace is not:

I hope that everyone discovers God's grace for you and the transforming power of that grace for your life and relationships.

John Newton is the writer of the song "Amazing Grace" This was probably composed between 1760 and 1770. The words define grace thru song.
Amazing Grace! How sweet the sound

Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,
And grace my fears relieved.
How precious did that grace appear
The hour I first believed.

Take a time out and listen to the words of this song! It is one of our favorites for nap time at our house.

Target Deals!

Thanks to Angie for letting us know about the St. Ives freebies!
We wanted to let you know about a few more deals.

Up & Up Diapers
Select sizes on clearance at 15% off
50 size 5 diapers for $9.25

Huggies $8.99 for Jumbo Pack
Use Printable MFR $3/1
Final Price $5.99

Gillette Fusion Razer $4.99
Use MFR Coupon $4/1
Final Price 99 cents!

Rimmel Mascara $2.24
$3/1 Coupon in All You Magazine, March
This was a money maker for me!

On Clearance 48 cents per box
4 Ct. box, making these 12 cents a bar
Chewy Granola and Fruit and Nut Chewy Bars

Monday, March 22, 2010

Free St. Ives

You can use those St. Ives coupons from this weeks paper at Target to get free trial size St.Ives products.

St. Ives Apricot Scrub 1 oz .99
St. Ives Oatmeal and Shea Butter Body Wash 3oz .99
St. Ives Vitamin E Moisturizer 2oz .99

Official policy at Target is that you can use the dollar coupon, as they can adjust the coupon down to .99cents

Sunday, March 21, 2010


Looks like a good week to do Easter dinner shopping!

Appleton Farms Spiral Sliced Half Honey Ham 1.49lb.
Appleton Farms Smoked Ham Butt Portion 1.19lb.
Appleton Farms Smoked Ham Shank Portion .99lb.

Maple Leaf Farms Whole Duck 5lb. 11.99

Butterball Whole Turkey 12-20lb. .99 lb.

L'oven Rolls 12 count 1.49

Happy Harvest Cut Sweet Potatoes 1.19 each

Chef's Cupboard Stuffing Mix .89


Pineapple 1.49

Grapefruit 5lb bag 1.49

Navel Oranges 4lb bag 1.29