Earth Day is April 22, 2010. Let's all make an effort tomorrow to do atleast one earth friendly thing. My son's second grade class is working on the simple things we can all do such as recycle, turn off the water while brushing your teeth, park your car and walk to do errands. My kids use resuable lunch bags and that is one thing our household will be doing! Use your water bottle more than once. My husband is huge on always using a refillable coffee mug.
I found a site that is easy to navigate and will explain a little about earth day, the founder, it has a teacher's area for printables and ideas for the classroom, home schooling, things you can do with your children, etc.
All I can say it was pretty amazing hearing my 7 year old asking his 6 year old cousin at church on Sunday if she knew what a fossil fuel was! lol
Oh, and the site is