Saturday, April 10, 2010

Spring Cleaning!

This is a topic and area that not many of us want to tackle! BUT...Angie and I find this is a must to address. We are having a garage sale (soon!) We have a 4 step method that will hopefully help and make this job easier. We are mostly talking about clutter. Get out 4 boxes, bags or containers and label them:
Give Away/Sell
Put Away

Trash - this should include any items you do not need or want. It might include broken items that are not able to be donated.

Give Away/Sell - This is where your garage sale items would come in. Be generous and think of items that other's can use.

Put Away - This should be your smallest category. These items may just be things laying around.

Storage - I know at our home, these might be seasonal clothing items. If other seasonal items, group like things together. Label your storage containers to make things easier next season.